Food Waste in the UK: A Problem We Can’t Ignore

April marks an important time of year for many, but it also brings to the forefront a problem that countries all over the world – and the UK specifically – are facing: food waste. National Stop Food Waste Day, which falls on April 27th, serves as a reminder of this issue throughout the country and encourages individuals to take action.
The UK produces more food waste than any other European country, In fact, it is estimated that the amount of food thrown away each year could feed the entire UK population three meals a day for 11 weeks. (WRAP). This is an unacceptable level of waste that could be easily avoided if we take steps towards changing our habits.
Yet, the cost of living crisis has made it difficult for many people to access basic resources like affordable housing and put pressure on welfare services, resulting in an increase in homelessness.
In response, local charities have stepped up to provide essential services like food banks and soup kitchens. Over the years, temporary Use Aid has partnered with organisations like Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank, Divine Rescue and Brixton Soup Kitchen by offering rent-free spaces for these charities to operate, which is the most ethical and ESG friendly solution for rates mitigation in empty commercial buildings. This helps provide those in need with access to basic necessities while also helping local businesses by reducing their overhead costs during hard times.
Unfortunately, these efforts alone are not enough to bridge the gap between those who have enough and those who don’t have access to adequate resources for survival. On average, each UK family throws away hundreds of pounds worth of food every year – money that could be going towards helping those who need it most! We must all do our part in curbing our national level of food waste if we want to make a positive impact on society.
There are several ways we can achieve this: reducing portion sizes at home; buying only what you know you’re going eat; composting scraps from fruits and vegetables; donating unused grocery items; shopping from bulk bins whenever possible; freezing leftovers so they don’t spoil; eating seasonal produce; making use of store discounts on soon-to-expire products; buying imperfect-looking produce that’s still edible such as “ugly” fruits or vegetables; learning how long different foods last after being opened or cooked; planning meals ahead so there’s less chance of throwing anything out unintentionally or unknowingly; making use of storage tips like cleaning out your fridge regularly or rotating foods so everything gets used when needed; – just some examples among countless possibilities!
By doing our part individually and collectively towards reducing food wastage, we can help make our planet greener while also making sure everyone has access to the resources they need for survival. It’s time we take responsibility for this global issue before it’s too late – let’s start today!
There is also a left field way to reduce food waste, ensure councils collect monies due from unscrupulous tax avoiders and help vulnerable households. We can help get key messages and support services out to wider audiences, at a lower cost to society, if the charity sector is given access to more rent-free spaces. This is more likely to happen if you sign our petition to close an abused tax concession that is costing councils millions and keeping charities and enterpreneurs out of the most percious of commodities – space. Please sign and share the petition.
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